- Out of a total of 20 awards presented by the educational publication, Clece received four in addition to a special mention.
- Awards were given in four out of five categories: three in the 0 to 3 year-old sub-category, and one in the Special Educational Needs sub-category.
The professional magazine Escuela Infantil [Nursery School] which forms part of the Siena publishing group, chose Clece educational projects in the Nursery Schools category to receive four awards and a special mention in the second year of its Nursery School Awards.
Nursery schools managed by Clece had 19 projects in the finals and five winners, receiving awards in four out of five of the categories: Reading and Writing, Healthy Eating, Psychomotricity, After-School Activities, and the Environment. These are sub-divided into 0-3 (nursery education first cycle), 3-6 (second cycle) and Special Educational Needs. Awards were presented to the following educational teams:
The Nursery School “Los Palitos” in San Juan del Puerto, Huelva. To Rocío Mazo, Mercedes de la Cinta Rodríguez, Joana Rodríguez and Carmen Toscano, in the Reading and Writing category, the 0-3 class, for their project Menudos Poetas [Tiny Poets].
The Nursery School “Los Duendecillos” in Pulpí, Almería. To Mercedes Losilla García, in the Healthy Eating category, the 0-3 class, for their work, Nos Divertimos Desayunando Sano [Let’s Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast].
The Cavall de Cartró Nursery School “Mon Petit” in Abrera, Barcelona. To Paula Morales and Victoria Sánchez, in the After School Activities category, the 0-3 class, for their Campanitas project.
The Cavall de Cartró Municipal School “Sagrada Familia” in Caldes D’Estrac”, Barcelona. To Remei Monge and Montse Humanes, in the Special Educational Needs category, for their nomination, Conociendo los Gusanos de Seda [Getting to Know Silk Worms].
The “Sanipeques” Nursery School of Granadilla de Abona, in Tenerife. A special mention for developing a deeper understanding of children’s psychomotor development, going beyond motricity, coordination and basic abilities in order to strengthen other areas – linguistic, emotional, creative and perceptive – through their project, Sanipeques Pirata.
The awards were presented on 23rd February at the headquarters of the University for Mature Students of the San Pablo CEU University Foundation of Madrid. A total of 20 educational teams were presented with awards, representing schools and centres from different parts of Spain. Five received special mentions.
The finalists’ experiences will be published in the Escuela Infantil magazine. The winners in each category will receive cheques from the sponsors of each category in addition to their award certificate and will enjoy a year’s free subscription to the magazine.