Our project
Clece Social is the Clece Group’s social project. It is the expression of its commitment to people. By commitment, we do not mean a company duty or the creation of a corporate social responsibility strategy, but something inherent to the origin and development of the company: a company by the people for the people.
Focus of Action



Vulnerable collectives
Today, more than 6,500 of Clece’s employees belong to disadvantaged collectives, representing 9% of its workforce. People with disabilities, women who are victims of gender-based violence, people at risk of social exclusion, young unemployed people, and victims of terrorism, form an active part of the company.

Compromiso Awards
In order to promote social integration and recognize the fundamental work of many social entities, Clece promotes and sponsors the Compomiso Awards, which seek to acknowledge the work of different social entities and not-for-profit organizations at regional level on issues related to support for elderly people and the integration of people with disabilities, women who suffer gender-based violence, and persons at risk of social exclusion.

Integration forums
Just as important as finding a solution to the problems of each collective, is making such problems visible. What you don’t know, doesn’t exist. With this in mind, Clece Social promotes and organises events whose aim is to make visible the problems which confront disadvantaged collectives. Meetings in which they take the lead.

Inclusion and Employment
Clece’s main social aim is to promote continuing employment and to encourage equality of opportunity through the integration of people with problems accessing employment who form part of socially disadvantages collectives such as people with disabilities, people at risk of social exclusion, women who suffer gender-based violence, and young unemployed people.