Clece certifies quality of SERMAS hospital cleaning services
Madrid, December de 2014.- CLECE, S.A., the multiservices company in the ACS Group, has certified the quality of the cleaning services provided for the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS).
Thus, by complying with the requirements defined by SERMAS in the last tender process, the company has extended its ISO 9001:2008 certification for activities consisting of the “comprehensive cleaning of critical, semi-critical, general and exterior areas of specialist health centres, such as: hospitals, specialist centres, mental health centres, transfusion centres and other public and private health centres”. Certification for the service was awarded in the following hospitals and health centres:
- Transfusion Centre
- San Carlos Clinical University Hospital
- El Escorial Hospital
- La Princesa University Hospital
- Niño Jesus Children’s Hospital
- Ramón y Cajal University Hospital
- Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital
- Santa Cristina University Hospital
- Virgen de la Torre Hospital
ISO 9001:2008 is an internationally recognised standard that promotes the adoption of a model aimed at ensuring continual improvement, effective service provision and customer satisfaction, and sets the directives for better management.