Clece awarded contract to manage advertising at Avenida de América transport interchange
Madrid, 22 July 2015 – Since 1 July the Clece company Out Of Home (OOH) has been in charge of advertising management at the Avenida de América interchange, one of the busiest transport hubs in Madrid.
Specifically, Clece OOH has a full digital circuit at Avenida de América featuring 110 screens located in the departure bays and waiting areas. “The average time travellers spend in these spaces is around ten minutes", explains Concha Machín, the Clece OOH general manager. “This waiting time will undoubtedly be more entertaining now, with attractive advertising messages on display, as well as communicating messages and information that may be useful for transport users.”
With this project, Clece is strengthening its position in the outside advertising sector in the main interchanges in Spain’s capital city, by adding the Avenida de América hub to the interchanges the company already runs, such as those at Plaza Castilla and Príncipe Pío. Clece OOH provides large-format displays in both conventional and digital varieties that can be used to provide useful passenger information and increase the visibility and reach of publicity campaigns for advertisers and brands.
Interchanges are very attractive areas for advertising, located in strategic areas of the city where large numbers of people converge in the same place, either as passengers using the various modes of transport (metro, buses, rail, etc.) and people passing in the street.