Letter from the Chairman
Dear friends,
I have great pleasure in introducing you to Clece. This is a great project in which more than 75,000 professionals work on a daily basis to make life easier for more than a million citizens. Through our services to people, buildings, towns and cities and their surroundings, we seek to guarantee the well-being and successful co-existence of ever more citizens.
We form part of your daily lives, whether through schools, universities, residences, day centres, hospitals, airports, offices, theatres or commercial centres. In many other public and private facilities and thousands of homes, we are also helping people and extending the useful life of buildings, improving our towns and cities or protecting the environment.
We have therefore continued to grow since we started our journey in 1992, growth which results from a business model based on diversification, innovation, and people management. From an excellence perspective, companies and institutions throughout the country now place maximum trust in Clece on a daily basis in order to deliver projects which are very diverse in nature.
However, what we really provide through our people, above and beyond the quality of our services, is the human touch. There are many of us, and we continue to grow. We share a way of being which makes us different. We are a team which is full of talent, which has a great commitment to service, and above all, an indisputable spirit of inclusion. This is what marks us out. It is what drives the Clece social project, which focuses on the social integration of vulnerable collectives and raising awareness in society about their situation. Thanks to this commitment, today there are 9,000 people with disabilities, people at risk of exclusion, victims of gender-based violence or young unemployed people who form an active part of our workforce.
Despite this, we want to continue to develop, and be the leader in a new market in services where social and environmental aspects have greater weight. To achieve this, we will continue working in the same way, turning our success into success for all. Employees. Users. Customers. All of society.
Welcome to Clece
Cristóbal Valderas Alvarado
Chairman of Clece