Vulnerable collectives
The integration and development of disadvantaged collectives is one of society’s challenges. This is the fundamental purpose of Clece Social. To support these collectives, Clece drives social integration and promotes awareness-raising initiatives in order to communicate the reality of their situation.
Work is the best form of integration for people with disabilities, those who are victims of gender-based violence, those at risk of social exclusion, and young long-term unemployed people. The Clece Group’s main objective is to offer these groups an employment opportunity which allows them to develop professionally and personally.
However, integration is much more than this. The complete and effective placement of such workers is only possible through normalization. This means through valuing people and treating them based on their qualities and capacities. Not because they have a particular disability or are experiencing an exceptional set of personal circumstances.
In addition to these collectives, Clece is especially focused on the care of the elderly. Going further than the service provided, it also develops innovative therapies and raises awareness in order to improve quality of life, personal autonomy, and recognition of their important role in society.