Integrated management system
At Clece we have created an integrated management system which reflects our commitment to sustainable growth and to:
- Satisfy our clients (Service Quality, Food Safety, Technological Innovation, and Information Security).
- Protect our employees (Occupational Risk Prevention, Corporate Social Responsibility).
- Benefit our users (protection and confidentiality of information).
- RRespect our environment (environmental management) and compliance with current legal provisions.
Whether our customers are internal or external, client satisfaction matters to us. We focus our efforts on fulfilling expectations and anticipating needs, which is reflected in the results of our customer satisfaction surveys.

ISO 9001

UNE 158101

UNE 158201

UNE 158301

UNE 158401
Our actions are based on respect for the environment. We work together to mitigate to the maximum any impact which our activity may generate and we use environmentally responsible products and services.

ISO 14001
Within its strategic management guidelines, Clece includes new developments and innovative technological solutions for improving materials, products and processes used in its services. We do this in order to provide maximum added value, positioning the company as a leader in its sector, and improving productivity and client satisfaction. .

UNE 166002

UNE 166001
Information security
Information security is a fundamental principle in the way we organize our company. This principle not only refers to information security but also to confidentiality, integrity and the availability of personal data, business information or information on the premises where we have a presence.

ISO 27001
Food safety
Clece takes action to control risks to the entire food chain in order to ensure that prepared food maintains its qualities and properties and is safe at the point of human consumption. Clece supports a healthy, safe and sustainable diet.