Talher and Clece recognised for boosting employment in Sabadell
March 2014. The Sabadell Town Council economic promotion service, Vapor Llonch, has recognised Clece’s contribution to boosting employment and equal opportunities in the town, in the province of Barcelona. Clece employs almost 300 people in Sabadell, providing services in the cleaning, maintenance, gardening and domiciliary care sectors.
The recognition, which was presented by the mayor of Sabadell, Joan Carles Sánchez, came about as part of the third edition of the IntegraRSE conference. This is a municipal initiative that publicly recognised businesses that can be deemed a “socially responsible company in the field of equal opportunities and diversity management”, or which collaborate with municipal programmes to boost employment.
Clece and Talher were among the companies to receive recognition at this year’s event, which was presented by the journalist Manuel Campo Vidal and included representations from the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Department of Enterprise and Employment of the Regional Government of Catalonia, among other authorities. The diplomas were accepted by Jose Luis Muñoz from Clece and David Gómez from Talher.