Clece in Almería holds a ‘Parents and children togetherness day’ to reconcile family life and work for managerial staff
- The children learnt first hand what the working day was like for parents, their colleagues and their place of work
- They also took part in various leisure activities over the course of the day, which was a school holiday in Amería.
Madrid, June 2015. With the aim of conciliating personal, work and family life of the workforce, Clece managers in Almería recently organised a ‘Parents and children togetherness day’. Over the course of the day, which was a school holiday in Amería, staff shared their day in the office with their children, so they could see first hand what their working day was like.
A total of 27 children between 7 months and 15 years of age took part, and were able to visit the facilities and desks where their parents work and get to know their colleagues, starting the day with a breakfast in the company of the Clece managerial team in Almería.
At 10am, the Clece director Diego López welcomed them to the board room, from where they went on to enjoy a day of discovery and fun, accompanied by a children’s entertainer. Among other activities, the children enjoyed the chance to dance and sing popular songs in front of their parents, paint murals with tempura paints, crayons and crepe paper, singalong games for the youngest in the group, and interactive games with tablets.
The children over four also had the chance to visit the facilities of newspaper La Voz de Almería and the local Cadena Ser radio station, where they saw how both organisations work, and even took part in the live programme ‘Hoy por hoy’.
The day gave Clece’s managerial staff in Almería the chance to reconcile their working and family life, by combining a working day with the school holiday calendar. The activity also helped to enrich the working environment and help children learn how their parents spend their working day.