Clece employees get moving in the “Hay Salida” race against gender-based violence
- As a collaborating company, Clece entered a employees, taught workshops and organised free children’s activities, through its Infant Schools division.
Madrid, 1 July 2015 – A hundred Clece workers ran the “Hay Salida” race in Madrid this Sunday promoting the initiative for a society free of gender-based violence. The 6.2km circuit of this socially minded race runs around the Retiro Park, with the start and finish points at the Cuesta Moyano, from where more then three thousand participants set off with the aim of showing that people who suffer gender-based violence are not alone.
Once again Clece took an active part in the event, which is organised by the magazine MÍA in association with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, as a reflection of the company’s firm stance against gender-based violence. “Once again our employees have shown their social commitment and exceeded all our expectations in their turn-out for this popular race. We are really proud of having such a great workforce of people who are so committed in matters of social welfare,” commented the Clece chairman, Cristóbal Valderas, who went on to stress the important work that the company has been doing in helping women who have suffered gender-based violence find work. “In 2014 alone, Clece took on 158 women who had found themselves in this situation, giving them an opportunity and the economic independence to move forward,” he added.
As well as taking part in the race, Clece also taught various workshops and organised free activities for kids in the Retiro Park, through its Infant Schools division.
This year, for the first time, the magazine MÍA was also keen to get the youngest members of the family involved, organising a special crawling race for babies. It was an interesting initiative that was very popular with all the mothers attending.
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