Clece employees take action against gender-related violence
- The employees of Clece are showing their support to victims of gender-based violence in the campaign Una Vida Sin Violencia, Una Vida con Respeto (life without violence, life with respect), which in Catalonia was titled Viure Lliure (living free).
- The workers wore ribbons and took solidary pictures of each other with the campaign’s logo from different national headquarters and regional head offices
- The project also included the involvement of customers and users of the company’s provided services
- Clece is part of “Empresas por una Sociedad Libre de Violencia de Género” (businesses for a gender-violence-free society) advanced by the Ministry for Health, Social Services and Equality
Madrid, November 25th 2015. Clece has joined the dissemination effort of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with a campaign for the awareness and solidarity which has mobilised its entire national workforce. Also, the campaign featured the contribution of different customers and users of the services used, which allowed for a great increase in its reach.
With the title “Una Vida Sin Violencia, Una Vida con Respeto” and “Viure Lliure” in Catalonia, the campaign showed Clece’s support to victims of gender-related violence. “Our most significant value are our people, a committed people with great human quality. Why not make use of their own values which through the great volume of people allow for great dissemination potential? That is why, we have decided this year to take a step further with this campaign” declared Purificación González, Clece’s Director of Human Resources.
The initiative included all of Clece’s head offices on a national level, where employees wore a ribbon symbolising the acceptance of one’s personal commitment to not carry out, allow nor be silent in the face of, violence against women. Furthermore, the workers broke their daily work routine to take a solidary photo with the banners and signs that were set up in the workplace, giving place to a moment of reflection and sensitisation on this issue. The employees contributed to broadcasting this reflection by sharing the images through social media with the hashtag #unavidasinviolencia.
With a high participation rate among the over 74,000 employees in the company, the campaign featured the involvement of customers and users of Clece services in all its regional head branches, with which Clece has also collaborated in different local actions and initiatives. “We hope to have a multiplied effect because the campaign was truly positive in our surroundings. Worth noting also, is our participation in a variety of initiative furthered both by customers as well as partner associations in different cities. Our intention is to add to this cause which must effectively pervade society as a whole” stated Purificación González.
Among other support actions, the initiative included the participation of the hospitals of La Candelaria and the “Tres de Mayo” shopping center on the Canary Islands; the hospitals of Vall de Hebrón and Bellvitge; Pompeu Fabra University; BSA Badalona and the town halls of Hospitalet and Sant Joan Despí in Catalonia; different companies in the Valencia business park in Comunidad Valenciana; and the Home Assistance Service, Servicio de Ayuda a Domicilio (SAD) of Zaragoza and the Movera home for the elderly, in Aragón. In the latter, the users and workers of this centre for the elderly formed a human ribbon.
At the same time, Clece supported different activities promoted by customers and collaborating entities. Among others, it took part in Andalusia, with the town hall of Jaén as well as ten other solidary initiatives in Almeria, in a minute of silence and programmed march. In Castilla y León, the Escuela Fantasía de Valladolid and the SAD of Medina del Campo, joined in a photographic projection organised by the town hall of Medina. Also, in Paracuellos del Jarama in Madrid, Clece took part in round table discussion on the problem of gender-related violence.
Committed to endeavouring against gender-related violence
The campaign “Una Vida Sin Violencia, Una Vida con Respeto” and “Viure Lliure” fits into the framework of Clece’s dedication to the integration of vulnerable social groups, an área in which it strives for the work-place insertion of gender-violence victims. Clece currently has 179 female workers hailing from this segment. To this end it cooperates with different institutions, associations and foundations devoted to tending to such victims.
Similarly, Clece fosters awareness-raising initiatives aimed at the erradication of violence against women, of which highlights include the celebration last April of the 2nd Forum-Talk “Clece for Integration”, focusing on this social group. Actions that are in line with its part in the initiative “Empresas por una Sociedad Libre de Violencia de Género” (businesses for a gender-violence-free society) advanced by the Ministry for Health, Social Services and Equality.