The second series of the campaign, A Life Without Violence, A Life with Respect [Una Vida sin Violencia, Una Vida con Respeto], has mobilized more than 45,000 people. Clece’s employees, clients and collaborators have joined the initiative and participated in different actions aimed at demonstrating their complete rejection of gender-based violence and support for its victims.
For the second year running, the campaign has toured the country visiting town halls, schools, care homes, sports centres, hospitals and all types of entities and institutions, in order to demonstrate that the whole of society is united against the social scourge which this year has claimed 44 lives: women murdered by their partners, ex-partners or those from whom they are separated. In 30% of cases, a formal complaint has been filed against the aggressor, and 14% are under a protection measure.
For these women and for all victims (more than 446,673 women have filed complaints for abuse since 2007), the campaign A Life Without Violence, A Life With Respect has formed the context for different commemorative acts as part of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25th November. These included the reading of declarations, meetings, educational programs and stands and informal information sessions. Many of the participants wore violet shirts and ribbons, the colour identified with the struggle against gender-based violence. Some even painted their hands violet. They also contributed to the campaign through profiles on social networks.
Among the events undertaken this year, the most notable were those involving children and the elderly. Many nursery schools (0-3 years) managed by Clece have organized special programs involving families which focus on education in equality and respect. Elderly people in Clece’s care homes, or users of their home help service, have also been involved in the campaign, demonstrating the value which comes with age.