Incorpora Program Award for 10 years of Social Employment
- Recognition of Clece’s high level of workplace integration in the Valencian and Navarre Autonomous Communities
The “la Caixa” Social Foundation has recognised the high level of workplace integration achieved by Clece over the 10 years of the Foundation’s Incorpora Program in the Valencian and Navarre Autonomous Communities. The entity presents the award for best performance within the business sector in hiring people who are socially excluded or who are at risk of social exclusion.
The award for the Valencian Community was presented at an event which took place on 15th February at the La Beneficéncia Cultural Centre. It was led by the Vice President and Minister for Equality and Inclusive Policies, Mónica Oltra, and by representatives from CaixaBank and the la Caixa Social foundation.
Mónica Lamirán, Clece’s social worker, commented “There are more than 4,500 workers on our staff in the Valencian Community, and of these a total of 390 people who face special difficulties in integrating within the workplace – people with disabilities, victims of gender-based violence, the socially excluded, or the young unemployed”. She dedicated the award to these workers.
In the Autonomous Community of Navarre, Clece received the award on 23rd February at an event held in Pamplona. It was attended by Mikel Laparra Navarro, Deputy Minister for Social Rights of the Government of Navarre, along with representatives from CaixaBank and the la Caixa Social Foundation.
Jorge Ortega, Clece’s Representative in Navarre, the Basque Country and Rioja, highlighted “Integration is both possible and very positive, with the company as the principal beneficiary of hiring people from collectives who have difficulties”. Out of a staff of 347 workers in Navarre, Clece currently employs 28 people belonging to vulnerable collectives – people with disabilities and those at risk of social exclusion.