On 15th May NDAVANT Multiserveis and Clece were presented with the “Làbora” Mark as recognition of their socially responsible activities. The Mark aims to promote equality of opportunity amongst citizens and to develop a more inclusive city.
Both companies have been part of the program since its inception. The Mark is promoted by Barcelona Town Hall through the Municipal Institute for Social Services. Laia Ortiz, the third Deputy Mayor and Director of Social Services, awarded the mark in an institutional act which gathered together 100 companies and entities. The presentation was also supported by Third Sector associations such as the Cruz Roja [Red Cross], Entitats Catalanes d’Acció Social [Catalan Social Action Entities] (ECAS) and the Federación de Empesas de Inserción de Catalunya [Federation of Catalan Workplace Integration Companies] (FEICAT).
The program seeks to encourage the employment of people who experience special difficulties in accessing the employment market by linking companies to a social responsibility project. In turn this allows them to form part of a city project which is working to support the workplace integration of vulnerable collectives. The Deputy Major for Social Rights, Laia Ortiz, confirmed: “In collaboration with companies, we are consolidating our own workplace integration model with these entities, focusing on people at risk of social exclusion”.