Clece closes Laboral MAD. More than 1,800 candidates interviewed
- The event took place in the Chamartín station in Madrid, aimed at promoting the employment of people from vulnerable collectives and those interested in working in care for the elderly
- Clece offered 2,000 jobs in the Madrid Community area
Madrid, 24th May 2018. Organised for the first time in the Community of Madrid, Clece’s Laboral MAD event offered 2,000 jobs in the company to two specific profiles; those from vulnerable collectives, and those interested in working in the care for the elderly sector.
Over two days on 9th and 10th May, Laboral MAD succeeded in attracting many people to the event. Clece interviewed 1,843 candidates, working to capacity over the two days and gathering more than 1,200 additional CVs for people who will be interviewed over the next few weeks.
Iñigo Camilleri, Clece’s recruitment and development manager commented, “The response was exceptional. Before we opened the doors to Laboral MAD we had already gathered 2,000 CVs through the registration web site set up for the purpose. Many of these were received thanks to the collaboration of around 40 social entities acting as intermediaries for candidate profiling, and we thank them for their involvement”,
A new recruitment approach
Laboral MAD was the first pilot project, specifically designed by Clece. Conceived as an open space in which to generate the best possible experience for candidates, the space was divided into three zones. In the first two, the candidate could get to know Clece and the nature of the work involved through audiovisual means, before moving to an interview waiting area equipped with wifi. The last zone had more than 20 recruitment specialists who simultaneously interviewed candidates who had booked an interview.
Despite the volume of people involved, Laboral MAD managed to escape traditional recruitment processes and has delivered a new selection format. Rocío Márquez de la Plata, Clece’s recruitment manager for the central zone commented “We are used to standard recruitment processes but were looking for something substantially different, where the candidate took the lead role”.
Through Laboral MAD, Clece has created a meeting point that unites all elements of the recruitment value chain within the same space; the candidate, the intermediary, and the company. Íñigo Camilleri added, “We believe that this is an ideal format to enable us to fill the 2,000 jobs we were offering”.
Around 40 entities involved
The collaboration of 40 social entities tasked with intermediating candidate profiles is worth highlighting. These are: Fundación Adecco, Adoratrices, Agencia de colocación San Román, Madrid Town Hall Employment Agency, Alcer, Asociación Ángeles Urbanos, Asociación Cultural La Kalle, Asociación Victoria, Cruz Roja, Eslabón, Federación Asociaciones Espina Bífida, Federación Mujeres Progresistas, Frama, Fundación Acobe, Fundación Cruz Blanca, Fundación Diversitas, Fundación Esclerosis Múltiple, Fundación Integra, Fundación Jose María de Llanos, Fundación Mujeres, Fundación Randstad, Fundación Red Araña, Fundación San Ezequiel, Fundación Tengo Hogar, Programa Incorpora, Opción 3, PAHUET (Patronato de Huérfanos del Ejército de Tierra), Pinardi, Imagina Más, Acción contra el Hambre, Fundacion Madrina, Candelita, Horizontes Abiertos, Asociación Parlense de Alcoholicos, Asociación Marillac and Servicio Orientación Laboral Fundación Atenea.
Their commitment and teamwork with Clece’s Human Resources, Communication, Events and Image and IT departments was a key part of the success of Laboral MAD.
Social work
Clece is recognised for giving employment opportunities to older workers who have difficulty accessing the labour market. Currently more than 10% of Clece’s 74,000 employees, 7,679 people in total, come from vulnerable collectives. Specifically, 215 of these are victims of gender-based violence and 5,631 have functional differences.
The company is also a benchmark with respect to care for the elderly. At national level, the Group cares for 104,894 users through providing home help, and 10,408 users through its tele-assistance service. Clece is also responsible for the integrated management of 57 residences and 34 day centres. It has a team of 29,505 professionals that enables it to do this.