Clece announces annual awards for key initiatives against gender-based violence
- Three awards will be presented for projects undertaken by social entities that focus on helping women victims, with a prize of 10,000 Euros each. In addition, a 7,000 Euro award for the best journalism on the issue
- Edition IV of the awards introduces two new categories, the best awareness raising initiative, and an award for the association that has done most work with Clece on workplace integration
- A jury of seven members will have representatives from different areas. Once again the director and script writer Luis Lorente will be the Jury President
- A focus on workplace integration and employment is one of the main evaluation criteria for the jury
Madrid, 14th June 2018. Clece Social, Clece’s social project has called for submissions for Edition IV of its Compromiso Awards. The awards recognise key initiatives in the struggle against gender-based violence in different contexts, especially those focusing on the integration of women victims within the workplace.
A presentation that took place this morning at Los Teatros del Canal in Madrid, explained how Edition IV will continue the focus on recognising work undertaken by associations and not-for-profit entities working every day with this collective. It also continues a new category of award – for journalists who have contributed information and raised awareness about the reality experienced by this collective. A new departure this year is an award that will be presented to the best awareness raising initiative to highlight the problem. Also, recognition for the entity that has done most work with Clece on the workplace integration of victims of gender-based violence.
“The Compromiso Awards are a sign of the growing awareness in society of the serious problem of gender-based violence. Through our activity and our social project, Clece is getting involved in the search for solutions. It cannot distance itself from this issue. Our commitment has been growing over recent years and currently we work with 227 women who have been victims of gender-based violence. The Compromiso Awards have provided a clear impetus for awareness raising and employment. For example, at last year’s gala, we committed to employ 139 women who have suffered gender-based violence, the same number of candidates we received from social entities. We have already employed 87 women, more than half”, commented José Andrés Elizaga, Clece’s Director of Communications and External Relations.
This year, employment is one of the elements that has special weight in the jury’s evaluation of the candidates presented. “Integration within the workplace is where Clece is most committed. So we will put great emphasis on this when evaluating candidates. Of course, this is not forgetting that a job is one link in a chain, perhaps the last, in the process women have to go through to recover and achieve a new life” José Andrés Elizaga explained.
Six awards across four categories
Edition IV of the Compromiso Awards will present a total of seven awards across four categories:
- Awards for the Best Social Projects delivered by not-for-profit entities relating to the workplace integration of women who are victims of gender-based violence. In this category, the jury will award 10,000 Euros to the three best projects.
- Award for the Best Journalism on the subject of gender-based violence. The jury will choose the author of the best press article, who will be awarded 7,000 Euros.
- Award for the best Awareness Raising Initiative with respect to gender-based violence. In this category, an award will be given to the action, campaign or audio visual program focused on gender-based violence and/or promoting social awareness on this issue.
- Special Recognition for the Association/Entity that has worked the most with Clece on the integration of victims of gender-based violence within the workplace, through an award accrediting the same.
Social projects and journalism can now be submitted. The deadline for submissions is 19:00 on 14th September. Information relating to the presentation of candidates can be consulted by referring to the rules published on this link.
Jury of Experts
The jury includes representatives from different areas, Once again, the director and scriptwriter Luis Lorente will be its President.
“You have to recognise the crucial importance of these Awards and measure their difference compared to others, as Clece’s task is strategically essential in the struggle against inequality. Specifically, against one of its most extreme forms: gender-based violence”.
Also returning as members of the jury are: the Government Representative for Gender-Based Violence, María José Ordóñez; the President of the Gender-Based and Domestic Violence Observatory, Ángeles Carmona; and Clece’s President, Cristóbal Valderas. As new jury members, Edition IV welcomes the National Police Chief Commissioner for Families and Women, Santiago Carrasco, and the director and presenter of the Radio5 program, “Ellas pueden”, Marta Pastor.
“The jury will be completed with a new addition to cover the gap left by recent political events and Government appointments, as in the case of Judge Grande-Marlaska, who is now Interior Minister. José Andrés Elizaga commented “Along with everyone else, we became aware of the news of the appointment last week. As a consequence we are waiting to finalise the jury membership”.