Associations and journalists at the IV Compromiso Awards against gender-based violence
Clece Social, Clece’s social project, has announced the finalists in the Best Social Project and Best Journalism categories at the IV Edition of the Compromiso Awards. The awards recognise key initiatives in the struggle against gender-based violence, with a special focus on integration within the workplace.
Best Social Project
The seven projects undertaken by not-for-profit entities considered for the three awards given in the category Best Social Project, each with a 10,000 prize, were as follows:
- The “Entamar” project of the Fundación Mujeres, in Gijón.
- The “Women’s Employment in Castille and Leon” program (PEMCYL) of the Fundación Santa María La Real, in Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia).
- The “Blíster, Knowledge Pills” project of the Asociación de Xovenes Emprendedores de Lugo (AXEL).
- The “Itineraries: Workplace Integration Program” of El Safareig, in Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona.
- The “A New Opportunity” project of the Fundación Randstad, in Madrid.
- The Opening Doors project of the Asociación ACOVA, in Valencia.
- The Integrated Itineraries for the Workplace Interation of Victims of Gender-Based Violence project of the Fundación Don Bosco, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Badajoz and Córdoba.
Best Journalism
The four candidates for the award in the Best Journalism category, with a prize of 7,000 Euros were:
- Cynthia Alonso, La Gaceta de Salamanca
- María Antonia Cantallops, El Mundo / El Día de Baleares
- Marisa Kohan, Público.
- Carla Pina, Yo Dona.
The winners of the IV Edition of the Compromiso Awards will be announced on 20th November at a gala celebration at the Teatros del Canal in Madrid. In addition to the two sets of candidates for awards, there will be an Award for the Best Awareness Raising Initiative on gender-based violence during the year and a Special Recognition award to the association that has collaborated most with Clece on the workplace integration of victims of gender-based violence.