Clece takes part in the VI Run Against Gender-based Violence
On Sunday 9th June, around 3,000 people participated in the “VI Edition of the Run Against Gender-Based Violence”. This takes place each year in the El Retiro Park. Once again, Clece workers were among the numerous participants, this year acting in collaboration with “Hearts and Hands”, the not-for-profit association founded by the company.
For the sixth consecutive year, the event was organised by the Spanish President’s Office, Zinet Media Group, and Archiletras, who challenged the participants to run a total of five kilometres of the Retiro perimeter. Proceeds from the sale of race bibs go to the victims of gender-based violence. In this year’s race, Clece was represented by the Heart and Hands (Corazón y Manos) Association, founded in 2017 by Clece workers. Through its solidarity projects the Association contributes to the well-being of Clece colleagues who are in need. It also establishes alliances with Third Sector associations focused on socially vulnerable collectives, such as the victims of gender-based violence.
José Andrés Elizaga, Clece’s Director of Communications explains, “The Ministry has a project called ‘Businesses for a Society Free of Gender-Based Violence’. Clece has formed part of this right from the start”. The Association’s aim is to raise awareness in society about this serious issue, and to promote the entry of its victims into the workplace.
In this edition of the race, 127 Clece workers ran alongside leading personalities such as the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Ciudadanos Party candidate for the Madrid Community, Ignacio Aguado. Workshops and activities for young children were also organised in the Retiro during the day, providing games and fun activities with Clecito, the Clece Nursery Schools’ mascot.