Clece marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with various activities.
“A life without violence, a life with respect” is Clece’s campaign for International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Clece is very much aware of this issue and highly committed to this cause. For the fifth consecutive year it is undertaking various awareness raising activities at numerous work centres and offices, involving employees, clients and the users of different services provided by the company.
This year has seen a high level of participation in initiatives across different parts of Spain. The company has involved more than 45,000 people in different awareness raising campaigns with victims.
Under the banner “A Life without Violence, A Life with Respect” , there have been a wide variety of activities such as rallies, informal discussions, murals, mural installations, making ring pull and ribbon bracelets, providing information stands and sharing materials.
Program activities have taken place in nursery schools, hospitals, care homes for the elderly, work centres, offices and public entities.
The company is a keen supporter of the workplace integration of women who have suffered gender-based violence. Currently 271 women from this collective form part of Clece’s workforce.