Annual Report 2018

Madrid Town Hall, through the Government’s Equality, Social Rights and Employment Area has awarded Clece a contract to provide Home Help Services, SAD, in order to cover the needs of 25,000 users in their own homes every year. The contract, which is worth 191.82 million Euros, commences from 1st July and lasts for 36 months, […]
The IV Forum-Symposium “Clece por la Integración” [Clece for Integration] addressed the topic of the integration of socially vulnerable collectives into the work-place As the sponsor of the initiative, Clece has integrated 6,549 people from such collectives within its staff of more than 73,200 employees. Valladolid, 3rd June, 2016. Improving employability and exploring formulas for […]
Madrid, 24th June, 2016. Madrid Town Hall, through the Government’s Equality, Social Rights and Employment Area has awarded Clece a contract to provide Home Help Services, SAD, in order to cover the needs of 25,000 users in their own homes every year. The contract, which is worth 191.82 million Euros, commences from 1st July and […]
The educational project Crearte by Los Sauces de Valdemoro infant school in Madrid named winner in second year of awards Recognition for the most innovative and successful experiences at an international level with children aged 0-3 Madrid, 8 May 2016. Los Sauces de Valdemoro infant school in Madrid, managed by Clece, has won the Award […]
The magazine Actualidad Económica recognises innovation with 38th edition of its awards for the 100 best ideas. The XENES project is one of the eight best ideas in the health category, included in the 100 best ideas of 2015. Xenex Germ Zapping, a robot owned by Clece that uses type-C ultraviolet light to destroy […]
Madrid, 11 March 2016. The British company Thomas Cook has awarded the service for cleaning the interior of its aircraft at Manchester and Gatwick airports to Clece. The service, which has been in operation since 1 March, is run by CCS Airport Services, the subsidiary of Clece in England, for an initial period of […]
Studies put the number of avoidable HAIs at 56.6 per cent of total, with an estimated cost of €800 million to the National Health System Up to 40 per cent room for improvement in environmental hygiene in healthcare centres New automated disinfection methods can eliminate 99.9% of microorganisms, minimising the probability of contracting HAIs. […]
Logroño, 22 January 2016. Clece has been awarded the Incorpora Award by La Caixa, in the “Great Company”, category, in La Rioja. These awards, which are specific to each region of Spain, recognise the work of companies and organisations that are committed to helping people from vulnerable social groups find work. The head of Social […]