Author Archives: doersdf

Clece wins Randstad award for integration

empresa integracion social

Clece was the winner in the Business category for contributing to the incorporation of 1,163 people at risk of exclusion in 2013. Red Cross, Gestiona Radio and the Paralympic champion David Casinos also received recognition at the ninth Randstad Awards. 28 May 2014. The Randstad Foundation has recognised the work of Clece at the ninth […]

The largest sports complex in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria opens

mantenimiento integral de edificios

Managed by Clece as a joint venture with Estudios Técnicos para el Deporte. The facilities cover a surface area of 11,000 square metres, with capacity for up to 9,000 users. The centre includes three pools, a spa, a gym covering 700 square metres, three activity rooms and a play centre. The project has created 50 […]

Clece Group and Nestlé Health Science establish an alliance for better care of elderly people in the field of nutrition

ayudas para personas mayores

The collaboration is based on two aspects: nutritional advice and training, which adds value to the care services provided for elderly people by the Clece Group. Madrid, 11 June 2014. On 30 May, the CLECE GROUP and NESTLÉ HEALTH SCIENCE sealed an agreement establishing forms of collaboration to incorporate improvements in how elderly people are […]

Clece and Fesbal step up food donation collaboration

servicio social

The two organisations will extend the initiatives they have been implementing jointly at the local and regional level. The agreement forms part of Clece’s social commitment to helping socially vulnerable people achieve integration. 5 June 2014. Clece and the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (Fesbal) have signed an agreement to regulate and increase their collaboration […]

Clece holds two conferences in Canary Islands to raise awareness among staff regarding disadvantaged collectives

empresa integracion social

Madrid, April 2014. Clece recently held two conferences at the Canary Islands Regional Division for heads of service and managers with the aim of raising awareness among their teams about helping people from disadvantaged social groups find work. The conferences, which were held in Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, featured the collaboration of […]

Talher and Clece recognised for boosting employment in Sabadell

empresa integracion social

March 2014. The Sabadell Town Council economic promotion service, Vapor Llonch, has recognised Clece’s contribution to boosting employment and equal opportunities in the town, in the province of Barcelona. Clece employs almost 300 people in Sabadell, providing services in the cleaning, maintenance, gardening and domiciliary care sectors. The recognition, which was presented by the mayor […]

1st “Clece for Integration” Forum : Companies’ ignorance one of the main barriers to hiring people with disabilities

empresa integracion social

At the 1st “Clece for Integration” Forum-Conference, the various agents involved in hiring people with disabilities discussed the main barriers to finding work As part of its commitment to help people from vulnerable social groups find work, Clece currently employs 3,283 people with disabilities Madrid, 6 March 2014. The multiservices company Clece held its first […]