Three awards will be presented for projects undertaken by social entities that focus on helping women victims, with a prize of 10,000 Euros each. In addition, a 7,000 Euro award for the best journalism on the issue Edition IV of the awards introduces two new categories, the best awareness raising initiative, and an award for […]
The company is a participant in edition V of “Hay Salida a la Violencia de Género” [There is a Way Out of Gender-Based Violence] race Clece has integrated 227 women who are victims of gender-based violence into its workforce Madrid, 11th June 2018. Madrid on Sunday saw the fifth edition of the “Hay Salida” race. […]
Over the course of a week, the company will replace more than 10,000 litres of the chemical products with ecological ones It will encourage the consumption of organic foods as part of awareness raising amongst employees A competition to generate environmental ideas aims to involve the organisation’s personnel, through projects focused on environmental sustainability. […]
The event took place in the Chamartín station in Madrid, aimed at promoting the employment of people from vulnerable collectives and those interested in working in care for the elderly Clece offered 2,000 jobs in the Madrid Community area Madrid, 24th May 2018. Organised for the first time in the Community of Madrid, Clece’s […]
The publishing group Siena’s professional magazine Escuela Infantil [Nursery School] has for the second year running recognised Clece’s Nursery School educational project through presenting two awards and three special mentions at the third edition of the Nursery School Awards. Out of 50 finalists in this edition, a total of 19 projects were presented by nursery […]
This was one of the conclusions of Clece’s President, Cristóbal Valderas, who added that there was a need for more training as a facilitating measure for social and workplace integration. Out of approximately 75,000 company employees across the whole of Spain, 7,547 are from vulnerable collectives, 471 of these working in the Cantabrian Corniche region […]
Álvaro Retortillo Osuna, the Director of the Lanzaderas de Empleo program of the Fundación Santa María la Real [Santa María la Real Foundation], and Leticia San José Barriga, Head of Clece Human Resources North-West, have signed a collaboration agreement today. This seeks to promote joint activities focused on improving employability and the workplace inclusion of those […]
This is the first long-stay Care Centre in Spain focusing on Alzheimer’s that has gained this distinction, one that is considered as the global gold standard in care. The country has only another 33 centres which have this international accreditation, which include hospitals, primary and outpatient care centres. The Reina Sofia Alzheimer Foundation Centre […]
Clece’s social project has received the ‘Menina Award 2017’ from the Valencian Community for its contribution to the fight against gender-based violence. The Valencian Regional Government Representative, Juan Carlos Moragues, presented the award to Miguel Ángel Segovia, Clece’s Regional Director for the Valencian Community, along with awards for other winners in this third edition. The […]