Category Archives: Comunication

Clece marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with various activities.

“A life without violence, a life with respect” is Clece’s campaign for International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Clece is very much aware of this issue and highly committed to this cause. For the fifth consecutive year it is undertaking various awareness raising activities at numerous work centres and offices, involving employees, […]


The town of Adra commemorated International Day of Older Persons on 1st October by holding its IV Elderly Persons Week. This involved a series of events organised by Adra Town Hall working in collaboration with Clece. The celebration commenced at the Adra Care Home for the Elderly. Those attending were Manuel Cortés, Adra’s Mayor, Diego […]

Official statement on information published regarding the service provided to the Royal Palace

Madrid, 27th September 2019. Given information that has appeared regarding working conditions affecting a very limited number of people, specifically 16 employees out of more than 75,000 that work at Clece, we wish to communicate the following: The auxiliary service provided to the Madrid Royal Palace started on 1st July 2019. From the outset we […]

Clece takes part in the VI Run Against Gender-based Violence

On Sunday 9th June, around 3,000 people participated in the “VI Edition of the Run Against Gender-Based Violence”. This takes place each year in the El Retiro Park. Once again, Clece workers were among the numerous participants, this year acting in collaboration with “Hearts and Hands”, the not-for-profit association founded by the company. For the […]

Clece nursery schools receive three awards and three special mentions

On 17th May, awards were presented at the fourth edition of the NURSERY SCHOOL AWARDS, held every year by Siena, the publisher of Nursery School magazine. This year, a total of 27 educational projects for Clece nursery schools for children aged 0-3 were finalists, including winners in three of the five categories. The award winning […]

Better Financing and Dignifying Work within the Sector: Some Future Challenges for Home Help Services debated at the Jaen Forum

There is a need to improve financing, dignify the profession, and improve a service that is so important for our society. This is one of the main conclusions from the Colloquium-Forum “The Future of SAD [Home Help Services] in Jaen” that took place on 7th March at the Palacio de Congresos in Jaen. The meeting […]

Clece joins the “la Caixa” Incorpora Program to encourage the employment of people at risk of social exclusion

Through signing this agreement, both entities have reinforced a collaboration that commenced in 2011. It aims to facilitate the employment of vulnerable collectives such as the disabled, those at risk of social exclusion, victims of gender-based violence, or the long-term unemployed, amongst others.   Madrid, January 25th, 2019.- Clece and “la Caixa” have just signed […]

Clece gives awards to entities and communication media for commitment to work against gender-based violence

On 20th November Clece Social, Clece’s social project, held its Compromiso Awards ceremony. The fourth edition of the awards recognised the commitment of entities, communication media and individuals in the struggle against gender-based violence. In the category of Best Social Project led by not-for-profit entities and related to women who are victims of gender-based violence, […]

Associations and journalists at the IV Compromiso Awards against gender-based violence

Clece Social, Clece’s social project, has announced the finalists in the Best Social Project and Best Journalism categories at the IV Edition of the Compromiso Awards. The awards recognise key initiatives in the struggle against gender-based violence, with a special focus on integration within the workplace. Best Social Project The seven projects undertaken by not-for-profit entities […]