Category Archives: Awards

NDAVANT awarded Etiqueta Responsable certification in Sixth Catalonian Responsibility Week

responsabilidad social

The initiative is by the Asociación + Responsables for businesses and organisations that have publicised their 10 + 1 social responsibility commitments.  Barcelona, December 2015. Ndavant, the Clece company specialising in school canteen services and educational free time, has been awarded Etiqueta Responsable certification, promoted by Ingeniería Social, SAL and the Asociación + Responsables, in […]

Recognition of Clece’s education project in the first edition of the Escuela Infantil Award

servicios educativos

Five Clece schools won awards for their teaching projects for children from 0 to 3 years old Madrid, 20 November 2015. The professional magazine, Escuela Infantil, owned by the Siena publishing group, has recognised Clece’s educational project in nursery schools with five awards in the first edition of the Escuela Infantil Award for educational experiences […]

Incorpora Award in Asturias and Madrid

Madrid, octubre de 2015. Clece ha recibido el Premio Incorpora de La Caixa, en la categoría de “Gran Empresa”, en el Principado de Asturias y en la Comunidad de Madrid. Estos Premios, con convocatorias específicas para cada Comunidad Autónoma, reconocen a empresas y organizaciones que apuestan por la integración laboral de colectivos vulnerables.

Clece wins Incorpora Award from Obra Social La Caixa

integracion social

Recognition for helping 25 people at risk of exclusion find work in Castile and León 28 October 2014. The Obra Social La Caixa Foundation has given Clece the Castile and León Incorpora Award in the ‘Large Business’ category for the company’s commitment to hiring people at risk of social exclusion. Specifically, the award recognises the […]

Obra Social from “la Caixa” Foundation awards a prize to CLECE

Last 11th June, CLECE received an award, one of the INCORPORA Prizes. Granted by Obra Social from “la Caixa” Foundation, these awards emphasize companies with a notable integrating spirit but in the labor scope.In this edition, CLECE won the INCORPORA Great Company Prize, specifically its Catalonia Regional Business Area. The main merits used by the […]