Category Archives: News

III Clece for Integration Forum: “A job to change a life”

Integración Laboral

“Closing the circle of exclusion is the responsibility of everyone” Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 4 November 2015. Collaboration between different social agents is necessary to help people at risk of social exclusion find work, which is one of the most effective tools for them to achieve full integration. This is one of the main […]

II Clece Social Report

II Memoria Social de Clece

Social commitment told through personal testimonies November 2015. Clece has just published the second edition of its Social Report, giving a full account of its social project, with the emphasis on success stories and personal testimonies from some of its beneficiaries. Divided into four areas of action – Employability, Integration, Raising Awareness and Caring for […]

Incorpora Award in Asturias and Madrid

Madrid, octubre de 2015. Clece ha recibido el Premio Incorpora de La Caixa, en la categoría de “Gran Empresa”, en el Principado de Asturias y en la Comunidad de Madrid. Estos Premios, con convocatorias específicas para cada Comunidad Autónoma, reconocen a empresas y organizaciones que apuestan por la integración laboral de colectivos vulnerables.

Clece employees get moving in the “Hay Salida” race against gender-based violence

compromiso con las personas

As a collaborating company, Clece entered a employees, taught workshops and organised free children’s activities, through its Infant Schools division. Madrid, 1 July 2015 – A hundred Clece workers ran the “Hay Salida” race in Madrid this Sunday promoting the initiative for a society free of gender-based violence. The 6.2km circuit of this socially minded […]

Clece Care Services launches new website

The new website is easier to navigate and has been optimised for use on the various different mobile devices The site establishes a direct channel with future employees by providing access to the microsite where vacancies are posted Madrid, June 2015. Clece Care Services, the subsidiary company of Clece in the UK specialising in social […]

Charity sports challenge “Get Moving for a Better World” collects more than 1,700 kg of food for the most needy in Huelva

noticias sociales

Organised by Clece Social in collaboration with the Huelva Sports Village, the initiative donated 3 kg of food for each of the 550 participants The beneficiaries were event collaborators the Red Cross and the Valdocco Foundation Huelva, 3 June 2015. The charity sports event “Get Moving for a Better World”, organised by the company’s social […]