Category Archives: Comunication

Clece certifies quality of SERMAS hospital cleaning services

Madrid, December de 2014.- CLECE, S.A., the multiservices company in the ACS Group, has certified the quality of the cleaning services provided for the Madrid Health Service (SERMAS). Thus, by complying with the requirements defined by SERMAS in the last tender process, the company has extended its ISO 9001:2008 certification for activities consisting of the “comprehensive […]

Clece wins Incorpora Award from Obra Social La Caixa

integracion social

Recognition for helping 25 people at risk of exclusion find work in Castile and León 28 October 2014. The Obra Social La Caixa Foundation has given Clece the Castile and León Incorpora Award in the ‘Large Business’ category for the company’s commitment to hiring people at risk of social exclusion. Specifically, the award recognises the […]

Clece joins the Club of Socially Responsible Companies of La Rioja

empresa social

Programme implemented by La Rioja regional government to help victims of gender-based, domestic or intrafamily violence integrate into society and the workplace  With the seven companies signing the agreement today, 32 firms have joined the initiative since its launch in 2011  Logroño, 9 October 2014. Clece has joined the Club of Socially Responsible Companies of […]

Music brings memories and experiences to people with Alzheimer’s

The initiative, organised by the Provincial Council of Málaga and Clece, was attended by almost 350 people in the Edgar Neville Auditorium.  The conference focused on the importance of “caring for the carer” of those with Alzheimer’s disease.  Music therapy promotes socialisation, raises self-esteem, improves mobility and stimulates memories, among other benefits. Málaga, 23 September […]

Cleaning, maintenance and security contract signed with Cáceres schools

empresas de servicios generales

25 September 2014. Cleaning, maintenance and security contract signed with Cáceres schools. The new contract was signed today at an event held at Cáceres Town Hall and attended by Elena Nevado, Mayor of Cáceres, and Francisco Lázaro, Director of the Central Regional Division of Clece. According to Elena Nevado, for the next two school years […]

Talher to develop the “Dinosaurs of Cuenca Route”

servicios educativos

Talher will design the route around the palaeontological heritage of Cuenca through the villages of Fuentes, La Cierva and Cañada del Hoyo  Exhibition areas, brand image, a website and mobile apps are some of the initiatives included in the project  The route will be completed in February 2015 at a cost of €371,000 29 September […]

CLECE joins OXFAM Trailwalker race against poverty

The Oxfam Intermón initiative raises money and seeks to mobilise society for a better world.  Clece took part in the sporting challenge with its own team to run 100 km in 32 hours.  Held in both Girona and Madrid, the Oxfam Intermón Trailwalker brought 493 teams to Spain and raised more than €942,000 in donations.  […]

Clece to manage support staff at Basketball Wold Cup in Gran Canaria

The company will provide and co-ordinate support staff for events, activities and programmes organised as part of this major sporting event 5 August 2014. The temporary joint venture formed by Clece and SET Soluciones has been awarded the contract for ‘Specific Works for the 2014 Basketball Wold Cup’ by the Island Sports Institute, belonging to […]

Surf for people with disabilities on International Surf Day in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

empresa integracion social

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 21 June 2014. Clece has joined the celebrations of International Surf Day in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, making surfing possible for people with intellectual disabilities, with the Surf for everyone programme on Las Canteras beach. The initiative, which is organised in collaboration with the Hopupu SURF school, has helped […]