Category Archives: Social news

II Clece Social Report

II Memoria Social de Clece

Social commitment told through personal testimonies November 2015. Clece has just published the second edition of its Social Report, giving a full account of its social project, with the emphasis on success stories and personal testimonies from some of its beneficiaries. Divided into four areas of action – Employability, Integration, Raising Awareness and Caring for […]

Incorpora Award in Asturias and Madrid

Madrid, octubre de 2015. Clece ha recibido el Premio Incorpora de La Caixa, en la categoría de “Gran Empresa”, en el Principado de Asturias y en la Comunidad de Madrid. Estos Premios, con convocatorias específicas para cada Comunidad Autónoma, reconocen a empresas y organizaciones que apuestan por la integración laboral de colectivos vulnerables.

Clece employees get moving in the “Hay Salida” race against gender-based violence

compromiso con las personas

As a collaborating company, Clece entered a employees, taught workshops and organised free children’s activities, through its Infant Schools division. Madrid, 1 July 2015 – A hundred Clece workers ran the “Hay Salida” race in Madrid this Sunday promoting the initiative for a society free of gender-based violence. The 6.2km circuit of this socially minded […]

Charity sports challenge “Get Moving for a Better World” collects more than 1,700 kg of food for the most needy in Huelva

noticias sociales

Organised by Clece Social in collaboration with the Huelva Sports Village, the initiative donated 3 kg of food for each of the 550 participants The beneficiaries were event collaborators the Red Cross and the Valdocco Foundation Huelva, 3 June 2015. The charity sports event “Get Moving for a Better World”, organised by the company’s social […]

Clece backs professional skills certification for 5,000 care workers in Andalusia

This is the first collaboration agreement signed by a company in Andalusia to recognise professional experience The agreement means the skills of the company’s domiciliary care staff can now be certified Madrid, May 2015 – Clece, the leading multiservices company, has signed a collaboration agreement with the Regional Government of Andalusia’s Department of Education, Culture […]

II Forum “Clece for integration”

integración social

In the II Forum-Symposium “Clece for Integration”, the different agents involved in assisting victims of domestic violence debated the main challenges of this work and of collaborating with social integration In its commitment to the assimilation of vulnerable groups, the chairman of Clece, Cristóbal Valderas, explained that the greatest contribution that his company can make […]

Clece presents Commitment Awards to most notable projects in integration and raising awareness of socially vulnerable collectives

empresa insercion social

Awards in the four categories of Disability, Social Exclusion, Gender-Based Violence and the Elderly, were presented to Dedines, Línea 10, Victoria Fuenlabrada and the Vianorte-Laguna Foundation.  The jury, consisting of figures from public institutions and civil society, assessed 157 candidates. Madrid, 3 March 2015. Yesterday Clece held the awards ceremony for its Commitment Awards, which […]