Working with the most vulnerable people
The elderly, people with disabilities, or those at risk of social exclusion, and those who are victims of gender-based violence, are some of the most vulnerable collectives within our society. These are people who require very specific services and care in order to promote their development, integration, autonomy and to improve their quality of life.
With this objective, Clece provides home help services to more than 86,000 people and works with 145 residences and 92 day centres to provide specific care adapted to each need, for more than 16,000 people. Likewise, we work with 132 disability care centres, centres for minors at risk of exclusion, and those for the protection of women and the homeless. At these centres we provide assistance to more than 5,500 people from such collectives thanks to the hard work and dedication of more than 1,200 professionals, amongst which are physiotherapy, nursing, nutrition, psychology, social work and occupational therapy professionals etc.