On 2nd March 2015, the Award Ceremony for the 1st Edition of the Compromiso Awards took place in Madrid. This event recognised the work of not-for-profit entities with people at risk of social exclusion, victims of gender-based violence, people with disabilities, and elderly people.
The judges’ panel, which has strong links to these social collectives and understands their social reality, evaluated more than 157 submissions from Madrid entities. Its Chairman, Irene Villa, congratulated everyone on the projects presented and highlighted the value of the initiative “to encourage the implementation of projects which support social and workplace integration”.

Irene Villa
Graduate in audio-visual communication, humanities and psychology.
César Antón Beltrán
Director General of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (IMSERSO).
Carmen Balfagón Lloreda
Technical Secretary General for Social Affairs of the Community of Madrid.
David Casinos Sierra
Professional sports person for Valencia Terra y Mar.
Matilde Fernández Sanz
Socialist Party Deputy at the Madrid Assembly.
Pedro Montoliú Camps
Director of Madrid-diario.es
Dolores Navarro Ruiz
Madrid Town Councillor.
Cristóbal Valderas Alvarado
Chairman of the Clece Group.
The winners of the 1st Edition of the Compromiso Awards are:
'Social exclusion'
Asociación Línea 10
“New Way 2015″
To encourage the social inclusion of families in risk situations or those with social difficulties through social support and socio-educational interventions at their homes or at the Association’s facilities, focusing on their personal development and achieving greater autonomy. In particular to help families care for their children by enabling parents to reconcile working and family life.
- 45 minors between the ages of 3 and 12 years old.
- 35 families.
'Victims of gender-based violence' Category
The Victoria de Fuenlabrada Association
“Action, Defence and Response to Gender-Based Violence”
The well-being, integration, empowerment and emancipation of women who are victims of gender-based violence.
- Women who are victims of gender-based violence referred through the police, social services, municipal gender-based violence facilities, shelters, specialist women’s centres, the Red Cross, other associations, women’s groups or through any other means.
- Women in the support network for those affected.
- Children/Minors of the women who are victims (from 3 years old upwards)
'People with Disabilities' Category
Dedines Foundation
“Summer Camp 2015”
To offer urban camps with qualified personnel, material and specific activities focused on children with multiple disabilities. To bring families together, to provide respite time for families and to continue developing each child’s capabilities.
- 15 children of different ages.
'Elderly People' Category
Vianorte-Laguna Foundation
“The Laguna Hospital Care Centre for dependent people Home Medical-Therapeutic Team” program
To increase or maintain cognitive, functional capacities and the daily activities and mobility of dependent people who are in a socially vulnerable situation. Specifically, those who do not have the functional capability to leave their homes to receive therapies and interventions.
- Elderly people with neuro-degenerative diseases (Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.)
- Elderly people with physical, mental or sensory disabilities.
- Adults with serious mobility difficulties.
- Direct beneficiaries, approximately: 5,265
- Indirect beneficiaries, approximately: 15. 795 (beneficiaries+2 family members)